Supporting Ukrainian communities, at home and abroad
The humanitarian crisis created by the ongoing invasion of Ukraine invoked a strong response by MNPers across the country – not surprising as Canada boasts the third-largest Ukrainian population outside of Ukraine and Russia.
True to our values, our local offices launched their own unique fundraisers and directed the money raised towards initiatives that were important in each of their local communities.
Whether selling perogy and sausage lunches or offering blue and yellow ribbons for donations during tax season, the creative efforts put on by MNPers, coast to coast, raised almost $300,000 to date.
“The invasion and war are a tragedy for the country and its people, and we determined that we should support Ukraine alongside our many friends and partners. I am truly humbled and proud of the efforts of our team to support. Together we can make a difference,” said Darren Turchansky, B.C. Region Executive Vice President.
As a firm, we donated directly to the Ukrainian World Congress and Canada Ukraine Foundation, which delivered food, medicine, equipment, and shelter to Ukrainians impacted by the invasion.
We also found ways to ease the transition for those resettling in local communities. As of September 2022, MNP hired five Ukrainian refugees across the firm.

Here are the regional highlights of MNP team fundraisers:
Over a century ago, the first major wave of Ukrainian immigrants landed in Western Canada, and the cultural influence remains strong, from food to folk dance. Drawing on this legacy, our teams across the country were able to raise funds in support of local initiatives helping Ukrainians impacted by the crisis.
In Manitoba, MNP teams raised at least $10,625 from events ranging from silent auctions, perogy and sausage lunch and dinner fundraisers, and private donations.
Between online and silent auctions, team lunches and private donations, Saskatchewan teams raised a $100,000.
In Alberta, we raised nearly $60,000 through auctions and lunches. Our offices in central Alberta also worked with a local church to donate clothes to the 30 families who were resettling across the region.
And in B.C., MNPers across the province hosted auctions, bake sales and a loonie toss to raise approximately $23,000. The Lower Mainland office hosted a Pie-a-Partner event, raising just over $7,000 on its own.
Team members in Eastern Ontario raffled tickets to an Ottawa Senators game and a signed jersey as part of their fundraising efforts, raising a total of $23,000 when matched by the Firm and the Canadian Red Cross.
Our Southwest Ontario offices raised $12,500 through a variety of events, from bake sales to donations. The amount was matched by the Canadian Red Cross for a $23,000 total.
The Peel team beat their goal of $20,000 by raising $22,740 in their charity drive for the month of March.
In Southcentral Ontario, our team donated more than $13,500 to the Red Cross.
Between raffles, 50/50 draws and bingos, MNPers in Northern Ontario raised $4,100 – including from making blue and yellow ribbons clients could take and donate when filing their taxes.
Across our Quebec offices, we raised more than $5,600 for the Red Cross.
To help support Ukrainian refugees coming to Canada, MNP Halifax-Dartmouth donated their Halifax Wanderers Football Club suite for one game to a fundraising auction.
The efforts by MNPers across Canada in support of Ukrainians demonstrates our deep commitment to community – and shows how MNP makes a difference.